Monique Cousineau

Monique Cousineau  is a Polyamorous Solitary Pagan Witch and Artist, for over 25 years. I have written for Horns & Crescent Newsletter and I was Published in Sage Woman Magazine. I have participated in Art and Photography juried shows and curated shows in the Northeast and Midwest. I currently teach and present at alternative lifestyle events in the Midwest and in Florida; 15 years and counting. Most of all, I craft community spaces, helping guide people on their self-explorations.

Magic Intent & Transformation through Sigils  Symbols can tell stories, shape your world and refocus your intent in these challenging times. You will learn about symbols, glyphs, and some of the oldest forms of sigils that you can use as a guide to focus the power of your unconscious mind. Sigils offer a way to focus the specific things you wish to change and the magic you seek to create. We will create sigils to represent a specific goal, change in direction, or guidance needed to alter your perspective for creating change in your life. Material fee $3-$5   Teen Friendly (12-17)

Pendulum Magic Finding clarity in times clouded and shrouded from sight. Pendulum magic, for me, is about finding direction; not a definitive answer but a way to open up to more possibilities and directions I might have overlooked otherwise. You can bring your favorite stone and I will help you create a small cage for it to be tied to. I’ll have stones, wire, cord to get you started. We will create a guide map and we will tune the pendulum so you can use it to explore and take yourself on unexpected adventures through a wider magical world. Material fee $3-$5.   Teen Friendly (12-17)

Tiny Altars – For the Traveler Who’s Feet Can Never Be Still.  Something so small perhaps you can tuck it in your pocket or it can fit it in your hand. Alters and containers can be a bit of your sacred magic that you take with you on your journey and travels. Whether it’s a waterproof container, metal tin, padded fabric heart, something for your favorite stones, what will you need on the go? I’ll talk about what a travel altar might look like for you. Some small containers and materials to create pouches and wraps will be available as well for those interested in beginning this adventure during class. Material fee $3-$5   Teen Friendly (12-17)