Alyssa Yeager

Alyssa Yeager is a board-certified music therapist and professional musician with over 20 years experience in these fields. She has released 7 full length albums of original music plus the meditation album, “Meditations for Geeks”. Alyssa’s goal is always to create an engaging experience for the audience and workshop participants.

Chanting: Engage and Create.  Do you enjoy listening to chants, but want to learn how to be more involved? Participants will learn traditional and modern chants while exploring movement, harmonies, rhythm, and rounds. The workshop will conclude with an opportunity for the group to create a chant around our intentions for the day. *Bring your own drum or percussion instrument.  All Welcome. Sirius Rising, Monday, July 17

Guided Geeky Meditations. Meditations about Lord of the Rings, the Dark Crystal, and cats? Yes please. Become the most mindful geek you can be with this unique collection of live guided meditations based on sci-fi and fantasy themes. You might encounter your Patronus, connect with The Force, or bend some elements! A little time to relax and recharge is sure to level up your entire festival experience.  All Welcome. Sirius Rising:  Wednesday, July 19

Women’s Empowerment Chant Circle: Learn and participate in a variety of traditional and original chants focused on celebrating all kinds of women. We’ll share a safe and supportive space as we engage through singing, movement, and rhythm. No experience necessary. Everyone is welcomeSirius Rising:  Friday, July 21