Beth & Zeeb

Beth & Zeeb have manifested the Faerie Garden for decades. Their mythic sculptures grace the homes and altars of many Sirius attendees.


Letting Go, Deconstructing the Faerie Garden -Day 1  Wood rots, strings fray. Saving what we can, we will be letting go of the old poles and webs about the perimeter of the Faerie Garden so that we can bring in the new. What can safely burn will go to the fire.  All Welcome.  Sirius Rising:  Tuesday, July 18

Building the Frames and Weaving the Webs – day 2 We will be building and tieing the framework of wooden poles around the Faerie Garden. Then weaving the magic circle of giant dream-webs round.  All WelcomeSirius Rising: Wednesday, July 19

Beads, and Bubbles – Crystal and Bloom – day 3  We shall festoon the newly woven Faerie Garden with beads and bubbles, crystals and flowers, and diverse glittering baubles. If you have anything you wish to include in the decorations, please bring it along.  All Welcome.  Sirius Rising:  Thursday, July 20

Rededication of the Faerie Garden – day 4 We will finish the festooning and begin populating the Faerie Garden. Then call the Fey with sweet words and lilting music.  All Welcome.  Sirius Rising:  Friday, July 21