Salvatore Marici

Salvatore Marici  Salvatore Marici has four poetry collections. The latest is Sneezing Coyotes (Ice Cube Press -2021) He was the 2010 Midwest Writing Center Poet-in-Resident, has judged poetry contests, placed in poetry contests, both teaches workshops, attends poetry workshops. His poetry has appeared in many journals. Marici served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Guatemala as a natural resources specialist and he is a civil servant retiree/ agronomist. In Southwest Florida he is learning to maneuver a 17-foot kayak. During the summer he grows garlic in Western Illinois.

Writing With the Elements (a generative writing workshop)  If we know where a poem is going before we start writing it, it is doomed. It will not be original. It will not show the poet and readers anything new. We must begin writing a poem before we know where the poem is going in order to discover. Many times, the discovery is about ourselves. With simple writing exercises, the participants will show how the elements (Air, Earth, Fire, and Water) are within and around us. Then under the guidance of spirit, muse, etc. each will write a poem that shows a discovery.    All Welcome  

Transport Yourself into a Painting: A Generative Writing Workshop Allow Spirit to invite you to transport yourself crafted words into a scene of visible art. Create a story before or after the captured moment or metaphor the scene /action into something that links to your memory/dream or show how the moment stirs you or speak in the voice of a person or object portrayed in the artwork or write anything else that Spirit leads you to.   All Welcome

Balancing Tension (a generative writing workshop)  In life there is yin and yang. Like life, art needs tension to keep the audience’s interest. You will learn to create an ebb and flow of tension by being logical & mystical. You will write a poem or a prose or a grocery list having cake compete with celery. Come make mischief, inflict tension.  All Welcome