Tegan Cohan

Tegan is a Polyvagal Institute certification graduate and a subtle body trauma relief coach, assisting clients with Autonomic Nervous System rehabilitation through Traumarama Coaching (www.traumaramacoaching.com). A 30 year veteran of the theatre, her approach is also informed by movement, voice and clown training. In other pursuits, she’s a Third Degree Brit Trad High Priestess running a robust teaching coven in Los Angeles, and a metaphysical non-fiction audiobook narrator. A Brushwood attendee since 2009, she is endlessly inspired by all this community is, and strives to, be.

The Science of Safety – Part One: Triggered Much?    We all know how it feels to be “triggered”. But when we take away the Mind Story, the narrative attached to the reaction, all that remains is a hyper, or hypo, aroused nervous system trying to keep us alive. And it can be retrained. An introduction to Polyvagal Theory, the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and why, “It’s not about what it’s about…”. In this first session, we’ll cover the mechanics of the ANS in broad, conversational terms, learn about the Vagus Nerve and the Autonomic Hierarchy, and discuss the signs of dysregulation in order to better understand ourselves and others.   Adults Only

The Science of Safety – Part Two: You can’t make me!  You’re not responsible for what shows up. Triggers happen, regardless, that’s just your Autonomic Nervous System doing the job it’s been conditioned to do. But you are responsible for how you show up to what shows up…if you show up at all. Growth is change, and change is scary, which is why we resist the threat of change in countless creative ways. This is a discussion about the Threshold of Change and the many ways Resistance manifests to prevent us from crossing over into a new way of being and stepping into the unknown. Name it to tame it!   Adults Only

The Science of Safety – Part Three: Trauma Release for Fun & Profit!   The science is pretty conclusive: Trauma is stored in the body. By “in the body” we mean “in the nervous system”. As a foundational sense of safety is restored to the nervous system, we may experience surges of uncomfortable sensation as the nervous system releases that which has been suppressed for survival. This workshop will discuss trauma waves, how to ride them out, and explore and apply techniques to bring the Autonomic Nervous System back into a felt sense of safety, for ongoing practice and trauma relief.   Adults Only