Dawn Baldwin

Dawn Baldwin, Ra, was born into a pagan family in the 70s in the Chicago area. She has a B.S. in Clinical Psychology and an MA in Counseling and Education. She started backpacking in 2017 after a kitchen injury caused her to need to take on some serious physical therapy. She never looked back. She and her husband now backpack and hike mainly on the Appalachian Trail, the Ice Age Trail and the Colorado Trail whenever she is not teaching and they can get away.

Walking to Heal  Ra will discuss how she came to backpacking, how it has healed her physically and spiritually and the very real struggles that continue to come with that healing. Attendees of all skill and interest levels are encouraged to come and talk about the healing powers of hiking your own hike and ways we can “embrace the suck”. All WelcomeSirius Rising, Monday, July 17.

Gestalt Dream Interpretation  In this Workshop, Ra focuses in on the gestalt style of dream interpretation, teaching the simple methods used to dig deep into your dreams. Attendees should bring something to write with and maybe a dream to share. We will have time to work with real dreams while deliberately creating a safe space.  Adults Only.  Sirius Rising, Wednesday, July 19

Progressive Relaxation  Anyone who has an interest in connecting to mind , spirit and body and escaping the chaos of the world for a little while can enjoy this workshop. As it sounds, progressive relaxation will be a guided meditation that focuses on calming one space at a time in our minds and bodies. Bring a mat, towel, blanket or some other way to become comfortable.  All WelcomeSirius Rising, Friday, July 21