Diana L. Paxson

Diana L. Paxson is an author and priestess from Berkeley, California who has been coming to Brushwood to teach and do rituals for over twenty years. She is an Elder in the Troth, an international Heathen organization, and in the Covenant of the Goddess. Her non-fiction books include TAKING UP THE RUNES, ESSENTIAL ASATRU, TRANCE-PORTATION, SEEING FOR THE PEOPLE,  and ODIN, and works on Oracle and Possessory practice. She is also known for her numerous mythic short stories and novels. Her current project is a book about the goddess Freyja. Website: www.diana-paxson.com/

Nerthus Procession  She is coming She is coming fomr the depths of the earth . She is coming from the island in the sea….” At the beginning of the festival. Once more the goddess Nerthus appears.  Join us in the procession to bless the campground and people with peace and prosperity.  All Welcome  Sirius Rising  Monday, July 17

Who are the Vanir and where did they come from?

A visit to Vanaheim—meeting the /other/ gods of the ancient North.  This is a 5 day workshop, in which we will explore the origins and nature of the Vanir: Nerthus, Njordh, Freyr and Freyja, and how we can work with them today

  • Who are the Vanir and Where Did They Come From?  Monday, July 17
  • Nerthus    Tuesday, July 18  
  • Njordh  Wednesday, July 19
  • Freyr  Thursday, July 20
  • Freyja  Friday , July 21

Oracular Seidh  Now, as in the time of the Vikings, seers and seeresses journey to the spirit world to find answers to your questions. This practice comes from the heathen tradition, but all are welcome as we support each other with our energy and learn what wyrd has woven.. For more information about Seidh, see www.seidh.org, or /The Way of the Oracle/ by Diana L. Paxson  All Welcome  Sirius Rising  Wednesday, July 19