Roxie Freeman

Roxie has been artistic since childhood, but for years focused on working with yarns and fibers. She is a self-dubbed “serial hobbyist” who loves learning from the people around them and gaining new skills! She  works in the software industry and use her gender studies degrees to advocate for an inclusive workspace and enjoy the opportunity to teach again. Outside of work  she spends her time with her chosen family and working on projects. Roxie is currently focusing on creating latex clothing, setting up a dedicated workspace, tending her garden, and organizing a heap of art supplies.

Gender Outlaws  Transgender, genderqueer, agender, intersex. Things can seem like they’re changing too fast to keep up, and it’s hard to find reliable information about sex and gender and know how to feel about it. It’s even harder to find people you can safely ask questions. I will give historical context for the rising visibility of gender non-conformity and provide some definitions that can help us frame the conversation, then hold space for those often awkward questions and feelings that can come up. Please enter this space with kindness and patience to allow people to have the space to grow and reflect.  All Welcome  Sirius Rising  Tuesday, July 18

Creating Under the Social Media Gaze  The internet has given us access to a wealth of information, but social media has heightened the difficulty many of us have with letting things be imperfect even as we are beginners. Online we see the highlights of people’s lives, the prettiest “first” attempt at a new craft, the most beautiful food they make. Real life is messy, and it’s hard to find your voice as a creator or feel engaged in the artistic process when you are surrounded by perfection. This is a discussion for us all to share our experiences and learn from each other how to be ok getting messy and making imperfect things.  All Welcome  Sirius Rising  Thursday, July 20

Finding Your Own Way in a Sea of Influences  We all struggle to figure ourselves out as we grow throughout our lives. As social media has risen and become a prevailing force in our lives, it has become harder to navigate the ever-increasing influences of trends, aesthetics, and values. Even methods of self-reflection and self-care aren’t divorced from public consumption, as bath bombs and bullet journals swarm the internet. This discussion is not to condemn social media wholesale, but to talk about how we can re-center ourselves and keep sight of who we are in that sea of influences. I recommend bringing a notebook to this discussion.  All Welcome Sirius Rising  Saturday, July 22